2009 |
Su/spend - experimental living plant work based on the principle of super sustainability. Super - sustainable art practice is where the practice and work produces a greater environmental and or organic output than the work consumes. Lloyd is experimenting with living suspended tillandsia sculptures that grow with minimal water in hot and dry climates. The only maintenance required is the trimming the new growth which provides more material from further work. |
2008 |
Carbon Obscura III - part of enLIGHTen - a survey - Burrinja Gallery - the third work in an interactive light series exploring the relationship between sunlight, trees the process of photosynthesis and CO2. Fog is produced by the audience which manifests the streaming beams of sunlight penetrating thousands on pinholes used to draw the forms of trees. |
2008 |
Timed Lapse II - part of enLIGHTen - a survey - Burrinja Gallery - the second interactive work where the audience photograph themselves through plants growing in a large museum case - the images are then projected as a time lapse sequence where the plants grow and die - The work also explores ideas of displacement of native forests to provide food. |
2008 |
Source II - part of enLIGHTen - a survey - Burrinja Gallery - the second work from this series, Source consists of a suspended table and chairs with a data projection of the time lapse sequence on the table - the work raises issues of food source vulnerability and sustainability. |
2008 |
Balance - part of - enLIGHTen - a survey - Burrinja Gallery - this interactive suggests issues of sustainability and balance- the work consists of a double ended tree root suspended from the ceiling - as the audience steps forward to view the work a dim ultra blue light is projected onto the work through a glass filter. The audience also triggers a small water pump that pumps water from a restive through a transparent chamber and over the blue filter causing a flickering of the projected light. |
2008 |
enLIGHTen II - part of enLIGHTen - a survey - Burrinja Gallery - this interactive projection work explores the light spectrum, and the process of photosynthesis, through a collection of epiphytic bromeliads suspended from the ceiling. As the audience moves through the space they trigger sensors that switch on and off seven projectors, each with a different coloured filter creating overlapping shadow patterns on large tissue paper screens that enclose the space. |
2007 |
- light impressions - a series mixed media prints combining the cyanotype photogram and charcoal drawings - the work raises issues about the relationship of photosynthesis, plants and carbon. |
2007 |
de Lumière - the second work in an interactive light series exploring the relationship between sunlight, trees the process of photosynthesis and CO2. Fog is produced by the audience which manifests the streaming beams of sunlight penetrating thousands on pinholes used to draw the forms of trees. From a residency at L'Arbre de Vie / Chateau de Blacons, France |
2007 |
Chambre verte - the Green Room - juxtaposes red and green light and shadow patterns of suspended leaves reflect the nature of light, photosynthesis. From a residency at L'Arbre de Vie / Chateau de Blacons, France |
2007 |
Carbon Obscura - the second work in an interactive light series exploring the relationship between sunlight, trees the process of photosynthesis and CO2. Fog is produced by the audience which manifests the streaming beams of sunlight penetrating thousands on pinholes used to draw the forms of trees. Curated by Tony Trembath as part of Structure space and Place. |
2007 |
with Trees - a series of cyanotype photogram prints. Eyeless figures juxtaposed against leafless trees raise issues of lack of understanding and "dialogue" between people and trees. |
2006 |
Equivalence - a series of mixed media works (pigment prints and charcoal drawings) on the new growth after a fire at Wilsons Prom, provides a stimulating environment to explore the relationship between the process of photosynthesis and carbon. |
2006 |
II - a large steel dish with a map of the earth with Australia in the centre cut into it projects a shadow onto the ground where a similar map is grown into the grass. During the course of a day, the shadow of the first moves across intersecting the other. The work suggests the earth is a large photosynthetic image. |
2005 |
Source I - the second work from this series, Source consists of a suspended table and chairs with a data projection of the time lapse sequence on the table - the work raises issues of the source of our food, vulnerability and sustainability. Curated by Tony Trembath for ephemeral sculpture in Nilumbik. |
2005 |
Lapse - the first interactive work where the audience photograph themselves through plants growing in a large museum case - the images are then projected as a time lapse sequence where the plants grow and die - The work also explores ideas of time and aging. Curated by Dan Talley for the Museum of Contemporary Art, Ga, Atlanta, USA |
2002 |
the Speed of Light - An interactive work where shadows of epiphytic bromeliads self develop onto a grid of photographic paper through the action of light during the period of the exhibition, @ the Speed of Light references our relationship to light and the process of photosynthesis. |
2001 |
sup/PORT - Suspended table and chairs are set for tea. The chairs are covered with epiphytic tillandsias suggest a forgotten connection between the gastronomic experience and the process of photosynthesis that provides our food - |
2001 |
in the Field - The first interactive work where a shadow of an epiphytic bromeliad self develop onto a grid of photographic paper through the action of light during the period of the exhibition, the work references our relationship to light and the process of photosynthesis and our intervention in the environment. |
1999 |
enLIGHTen |
1999 |
implant |
1999 |
Lift |
1998 |
Light |
1998 |
Planet |
1998 |
Classification |
1997 |
Room |
1996 |
Photosynthesis |
1996 - 2003 |
Emulsions |
1994 |
Fill II - the second performance work to mark the first filling of Lake Dunstan. The work was a response to Last Rivers Song 10 years earlier and explores the idea of the human body as part of a larger earth circuit - it utilizes found brass artifacts to create a circuit that triggered an underwater camera to document the last vista up the river that disappeared during the work. |
1993 -
94 |
from the Religion of Technology - |
1993 |
Fill I - the first of two performance work to mark the first filling of Lake Dunstan. The work was a response to Last Rivers Song 10 years earlier and included survey of a site for a symbolic crucifixion, the utilization of an underwater camera to document the last vista up the river that disappeared during the work. |
1993 - 2004 |
to Coda - a photo-based on the effects of human intervention - The project includes unique combination photograph/photograms - |
1989 -92 |
of Survival - a photo-based on the effects of human intervention in the Subantarctic Islands of New Zealand - The project includes unique combination photograph/photograms, installations, sound-scape composed by Peter Adams, and 42 factionlised short stories based on the history of the islands. |
1985 -86 |
of the forgotten Tapu - a photo-based project exploring the threatened (through mining) columnar basalt formations at Blackhead, Dunedin. The work help instigate a campaign to place a covenant on some of the formations to protect them for the future between the land owner and DOC. |
1983 - 84 |
Rivers Song - Large Murals (6meters long) from a photo-based project exploring vital elements (earth, and water, light and dark) of the Clutha and Kawarau Rivers, before the filling of lake Dunstan at the completion of the hydro dam near Clyde in Central Otago New Zealand. |
1983 - 84 |
Rivers Song - Panels - from a photo base- project exploring Vital elements (earth, and water, light and dark) of the Clutha and Kawarau Rivers, before the filling of lake Dunstan at the completion of the hydro dam near Clyde in Central Otago New Zealand. |
1983 |
Forms (b&w photomontages |
1983 - 84 |
Panoramic photographs |