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Evidence from the Religion of Technology - a series of colour photogram works - © Lloyd Godman - 1993-94

lage colour photogram of  human figure

Large colour photograms














" The dark turn ( in Godman's work) continues in Evidence from the Religion of Technology (1993 - 94), a 22metre long composite photogram, arranged as a continuous circle or rectangle around a room, with photograms of the debris of technology broken by three verticals - a woman, a man, and a skeleton, all placed against a coloured background that runs through the spectrum from living green to to toxic violet, nand back again. The installation reminds us that life as we know it can exist only in a relatively narrow band of conditions and that our religion of technology threatens these conditions, not least in its use of chemicals."

Lawrence Jones - Art Link Vol 25 no 4


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Evidence from the Religion of Technology, benchmarks a significant shift in Lloyd Godman's art practice. Here we see a shift from camera, film and black and white photography into a fully committed exploration of the photogram (camera-less photography) and abstract use of vibrant colour. The multiple exposure colour photogram process reproduces mundane objects in an abstract colour that is further disguised by the interwoven layering. These are the objects we once desired, but have since discarded, the photograms are an aesthetic archaeological site.

158 pages - large format landscape (11 x 13 inches 33.02 x 27.94 cm) printed on ProLine Pear (140# Text) paper - Hardcover imagewrap