Lloyd Godman - News - events - current exhibitions - for old news - see the archive - © Lloyd Godman

What's been happening and what's about to happen?

Oases Breakfast seminar

Where: The Augustine Centre, Hawthorn (Melways ref. 45,E11) near Auburn and Glenferrie train stations

When: 5 February 2011· 09:00 - 12:00


Lloyd will speak on his plant works at this Breakfast

Art and Environment Beyond Comment!
For decades artists have often made confronting and constructive comment about environment issues, but often they fall victim to the very issues and consumer society they critique. How can they step beyond comment and contribute to solving environmental problems in real terms, how can they make art that is beyond sustainability and moves with the world off the super-sustainable?

RSVP to OASES 03 98193502 or email info@oases.edu.a