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For your enjoyment - E Books by Lloyd Godman


Below a selection of photographs from Acute architectural sites


ACUTE 2000 - Ebook

Right -this is an angle formed by the perpendicular intersection of two straight lines 90 degrees. The term right angle evolved as a reference to the "right" or perfect angle needed to construct the rectangle where each side is in parallel to it opposite side and is used as a standard building block in so many applications X, Y axis.

These are photographs of architecture that sit on acute angle sites, each offers an individual tension.

Cover with 94 spreads 188 pages


Pay what you want (or PWYW, also referred to as "Value-for-Value model") is a pricing strategy where buyers pay their desired amount for a given commodity, sometimes including zero. The payment can reflect their income and may also include a % as a donation to support further work.

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