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For your enjoyment - E Books by Lloyd Godman

Below, images from Aporian Emulsions

Aporian Emulsions 1995 - 98 Ebook

Lloyd Godman was lecturer in charge of photography at the School of Art. Otago Polytechnic, Dunedin, New Zealand from 1986 until 2005 where he established a department that was highly regarded for its explorative approach to photography, and in particular alternative photographic processes. From 1989, his art practice has centered on the phenomenon of light and a wide range of photosensitive emulsions (including plants and photosynthesis) and camerless photography through the use of photograms. In Aproian Emulsions he utilizes alternative photo-emulsions like Cyanotype and Van Dyke Brown in a plastic manner, where the confines of the rectangle are broken and the liquid flows as marks and motifs. Rather than a fault, aberrations in the process are embraced as an aesthetic device that strengthens the concept of the work.


Cover with 64 spreads 128 pages


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