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ISBN: 978-0-6457151-0-1
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lloydgodman at gmail.com
presents a stunning series of photographs of the raw, natural, beauty of Clutha River and Kawarau Rivers before the filling of Lake Dunstan at the completion of the hydro dam at Clyde in Central Otago, New Zealand. The work offers an evocative portrait of a wild, free-flowing river that has been lost to hydro development.
"Water surges, sprays, foams, whirls, ripples and rests, framed by very black rock which, when devoid of detail cameos the textures of its movements. In other instances a chiaroscuro lighting throws forward rock surface, its water-worn texture combining in rhythmic counterpoint with the current. The mural works are more expressively extreme, and have a greater over-all movement, each work capturing a different mood, from candy-floss fibres of foam in mural five, to the bone-crushing torrents". Alastair Galbraith - Art NZ No40
These are not so much photographs as a deliberate attempt to drown anyone who walks into the east room of the Dunedin Public Art Gallery. They are whole rivers, suspended on the wall, with no guarantee that they will stay up there. These are waterscapes that will vanish, will themselves be drowned when the Clyde Dam fills.
The enormous photo-murals of The Last Rivers Song, an exhibition by Lloyd Godman, are a determined assault on the human viewers by the inhuman energies of rock and water. They are, if you like, the rivers’ revenge.
Kai Jensen