Sequence viewing > Aesthetics Index - Resource - © Lloyd Godman

Gestalt Theories

Similarity: The visual strategy behind SIMILARITY is SAMENESS - with visual elements that are similar and equidistant from each other the eye links them together an groups according to their similarity - so the group of similar elements are seen as a figure. The chairs are seen as a continuous figure that fills the frame.


Proximity: The visual strategy behind PROXIMITY is DISTANCE - here visual elements that are in close proximity tend to be grouped together and seen as a single visual figure.

What is intriguing about this image is the proximity of the bridge, the buildings and the huge rock formation, each connects and plays off the other.




Continuity: The visual strategy behind CONTINUITY is LINE - Here visual elements are grouped to from continuous straight or curved lines. The eye wants to follow lines in an image and where there are gaps the eye wants to join these up to continue the visual flow

In this image the eye follows the lines of soil down the vine yard , and then across to the right where it continues down the road. Look how the line has more visual power in the foreground where it is larger.


Closure: The visual strategy behind CLOSURE is SHAPE - Here, closed Visual elements are seen as figures - by this we mean shapes. They might form large dominant areas that we can use to structure the image.

In this image the rocks create fascinating shapes that create interacting shapes in the sky. Look how the opening on the right leads the eye to the rock in the distance -

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