Family: Bromeliad
Sub-Family: Tillandsioideae:
Genus: Tillandsia
Native distribution and habitat: Tillandsia latifolia is a variable species which
range in size from less than 25 mm to as much as 1.8 m feet long. T. latifolia
v. angustifolia is a smaller variety found in both Peru and Ecuador at elevations
up to 3,500 m.
Growth habit: T. latifolia is primarily an epiphytic (growing on trees) species.
After several years, a it can form a giant clump. It has an open rosette with narrow,
long leaves The leaves grow in a spiral form along a stem and can grow to be very large, a over 900 mm in height.
Foliage: Sometimes the leaves are smooth, sometimes they are covered with
Flowers: The inflorescence extends well above the rosette and is orange and
very long lasting.
Cultivation: An adaptable easy to grow plant. While some varieties of T. latifolia
produce pups on the inflorescence T. latifolia v. divaricata does not but it forms
pups at the base of the plant. Dale W. Jenkins of the Sarasota Bromeliad Society
suggests the species is hardy with survival and little or no damage at -3 °c for
several hours. 1
There are other forms of T.latifolia
T. latifolia var. latifolia - Peru, Ecuador
T. latifolia var. leucophylla Rauh - Peru
T. latifolia var. major Mez - Peru
Availability: Various forms of T. latifilia are usually available, however specific
forms may be difficult to locate.