Geminating seeds of Aechmea Gamosepala
Small seedling of Aechmea Gamosepala
forming flowerhead of Aechmea Gamosepala
Flowerhead of Aechmea Gamosepala
Flower of Aechmea Gamosepala
Detail of single flower Aechmea Gamosepala
Aechmea Gamosepala firmly attached to a tree - the plant has grown from a single pup to this size in about 5 years
The flower spike of this Aechmea Gamosepala has been attacked by slugs - despite the very slim connection between the flower spike and the plant the flowers have continued to develop - note how the flowers have only formed on the side where the connection has been retained - where the area where the stalk has been eaten the flowers have failed to develop.