catalogue of Bromeliads used for various projects by - © Lloyd Godman
Lexicon of Bromeliads: A
resource by Lloyd Godman
Aechmeas form large urn shapes or tubular structures that hold reservoirs
of water, however there are also some smaller plants. Many are epiphytes that can adapt to growing in the ground, but they need a free draining soil. The leaves are often heavily marked with silver trichomes
and they produce colorful blooms which are short lived, but the inflorescence is long lasting. They are
found across a huge range of habitats in central and south America. Many are hardy plants and many can withstand cooler temperatures and dryer
conditions. Some have spectacular flowers which can last for months. If the flowers are pollinated the plant often forms colourful berries which contain an sticky jelly that is edible.
Aechmea ares

A. fulgens v. discolor x A. distichantha v. glaziovii - Hummel
A hardy large growing plant - ideal as a feature plant for landscaping - leaves turn a light copper red at the base. The leaves have quite large spines.
The flower forms on an erect inflorescence - the bracts are a coral red colour. The plant is vigouros and quickly grows into a clump - it has sharp spines so approach with gloves.