of mail art" - Lloyd Godman
- Laser print 2004
at UCN Gallery, Northampton, UK on the theme 'is mail art dead?'
Dates 18th May - 4th June 2004. Radio interview about exhibition
- BBC Radio Northampton 18th May 2004. Co-curated by Emma Powell
and Barry Wenden (with excellent help from Melanie Bush, Sue
Turner, Charles Mynard, John Holt, Jonathan Muddell and Chris
Clare). The
question 'is mail art dead?' was posed via the internet and
snail mail. The response of over 300 entries proves resoundly
that it is still alive and kicking! Postcards were sent in from
as far afield as New Zealand, Argentina and Japan. Loads of
entries were received from Britain, USA, Canada, Italy and Belgium.
After the exhibition the work will be held as an archive at
UCN. I hope the work will travel (via post of course) to other
venues. Contact me on emma@rejectamenta.com if you are interested
in exhibiting this work. A big thanks goes out to all who helped
put this together and to all the participants.
Emma Powell Weds
19th May 2004 http://homepage.mac.com/emma_powell/is_mail_art_dead/PhotoAlbum53.html