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Map and Information - Akatore Creek, Journey - 1988 - Summer Solstice Journeys - a series of photographic journeys - © Lloyd Godman


Akatore Creek was a place I became familiar and attached to. We would often drive down the estuary towards the beach on surfing expeditions to the legendary point break at Lobsters. There is a rough road down the sand. My good friend Lindsay Crooks and I would often drive down the rough road along the sand at the edge of the estuary to the park and then paddle across the estuary before the long walk across the hill to the point break.


Some years after the solstice around 2003, I nearly drowned there in a huge swell.

Lobsters surf break

legendary point break at Lobsters



This was the third summer solstice sojourn and involved a  rotating journey from a fixed position with the camera mounted on a wooden tripod in the center of a tidal estuary. The camera view point followed the rotation of the sun across the sky and also referenced the movement of the moon as the tide ebbed and flowed. Staring  at 110 degrees East at am (sunrise) on 25/12/88 the visual traverse across the expanse of the sky ended when the sun set below the hill line at 215 west at 8.30pm. For most of the exposures, there was a 20 min time frame between photographs except at the sunrise, sunset and times when the tide flow was visually dramatic when more images were taken.

map akatore creek to image sequence