Sequence viewing > Aesthetics Index - Resource - © Lloyd Godman

Linear perspective - Vanishing point

This image is made up from a series of parallel horizontal lines that continue across the frame. The camera position is at right angles to the plane of the structure - directly in front.

If we project these lines out in an extended fashion they continue to retain a similar distance between them. It gives the subject a feeling of flatness - it could be a cut out - there appears to be no depth depth in the structure


In this image of the same subject the camera view point is located to one side - the angle is more oblique to the structure and the lines project to a common vanishing point. Here the structure has a sense of depth, distance and perspective.

The closer the angle of view is to a right angle of the subject plane, the less the angle becomes

As with perspective, two things effect the angle of the lines which project to the vanishing point -

1. the camera view point - where we position the camera in relationship to parallel lines

The further away the greater the angle becomes

this image is taken with a 40mm wide angle lens from a closer view point


2. the focal length of the lens used to take the image - However this also relates to the camera position which has actually changed in these two images - so have a look at perspective.

This image is taken with a 135mm telephoto lens from a view point further back




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