Sequence viewing > Aesthetics Index - Resource - © Lloyd Godman

Linear perspective - Vanishing point

Single vanishing point within the frame

While the lines of the interior of the building on each side run in parallel, from this view point the lines appear to converge to a single central vanishing point. The strategy give the image a strong sense of symmetry and stability

Mouse over image

Here we see the same interior with the vanishing point located off centre.

Mouse over image

In an image where the vanishing point is in the centre there is a real sense of infinity - the lines appear to project to a point in the distance that we can not see, it gives sense of inertial and rushing.


Mouse over image


Single vanishing point outside the frame

In this strategy the lines project to a point out side the frame - they give a sense that the row of buildings continue out side the frame and on both sides.

Mouse over


Double vanishing point outside the frame

In this image the converging lines project to a point outside the frame.


mouse over


Double vanishing point within the frame

In this image there are two sets of converging lines which project to two separate points inside the frame.

mouse over


Vertical vanishing point

Mouse over

The same rules apply to vertical perspective - as we move closer to the building the angles become more acute -

multiple vanishing point




Vanishing points in Nature

no vanishing point

Sometimes we can frame a subject which has no reference to a vanishing point- the resulting image appears to have a disjunctive flat perspective that we read as a single flat surface.

Implied vanishing point

mouse over




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