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Sensitive Materials that can be used to make photograms & other potentials

Sensitive Materials that can be used to make photograms & other potentials

While most photograms are made with standard black and white photographic paper, the Photogram is a process that lends itself to experimenting and in terms of materials, the limiting factor is only one's imagination.

Although not necessarily working with photosensitive emulsions, shadows projected onto walls have also become associated with photograms. Objects can be aligned so as they make abstract patterns, images, and words across a variety of screens and objects. Sometimes these are called projectograms.

I used projection for the photosynthesis enlighten project.
The preliminary work Light used only one projector through Bromeliad plants onto a screen.

I used multiple projections through Bromeliad plants onto tissue paper for the enlighten work which involved 7 infrared activated projectors.

For the Disturbance in the field work, I use a projector to not only project an image onto the photographic paper, but to develop the image through the action of light.


Want to learn more? - do a workshop or one on one with Lloyd Godman