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Light in Photography -   LIGHTING - The Colour of Materials

In colour photography, as with black & white, most materials reflect more of some wavelengths than others wavelengths, thus taking on the colour most strongly reflected. The remaining wave lengths are absorbed into the material. A truly neutral white or grey surface will reflect the light (incident light) and not alter the colour, ie. the distribution of wavelengths present in the incident light. 

A surface that has only a slight tendency to flavor one wavelength in reflection will appear white or grey with a slight colour cast. Another surface, say blue, that reflects a much higher proportion of one wavelength and absorbs others will present a more vivid colour to the eye - a high saturation of colour. 

With a transparent coloured surface, such as blue coloured glass, the wavelengths transmitted most freely determine the colour, as other wavelengths are absorbed into the material. A parallel can be drawn between this effect and the use of lens filters. 


Want to learn more? - do a workshop or one on one with Lloyd Godman










light and lighting source and resource