Sequence viewing > black & white film - processing Index - Resource - © Lloyd Godman

Film Development

Sheet Film

Processing Sheet Film

The film has to be handled in total darkness.

So first set out the tanks in a set order with the enough chemical to cover the film and make sure that are at the right development temperature.

Unlike roll film which is loaded onto a spiral and developed in a daylight tank, sheet film is loaded into hangers that hold the film flat.
Turn the light off and take the film out of the double dark slides

The Film is slid down two slots marked by the red arrows

Make sure the film has dropped all the way to the bottom of the hanger

On the top of the hanger is a hinged top, once the film is all the way to the bottom hinge this over to stop the film drifting up during the development process.

The film is then processes in total darkness. Once the film has been in the fixer





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