Sequence viewing > Index - Alternative Photo Emulsions - Resource - © Lloyd Godman

Alternative Photographic Processes - (Hand made photographic -emulsions and processes)

Special effects with alternative photographic processes

Multiple exposures, moving or changing negatives between exposures.

Multiple coatings of sensitiser - exposing and processing and drying between coats. · Use different negatives, varying exposure times, etc, for the different exposures or coats.

Layers of gum bichromate in different colours, using different negatives and so on, may be added on top of the processed and dried brown print. For best results with registration, pre shrink paper by wetting it in warm water for several minutes and letting it dry before the first coating. Line up negatives the way you want them and make registration marks with pencil or tape on the paper before making the first coating. ·

Coat sensitiser over wax resists or crayon drawings. Try coating small areas, spattering, or painting designs with sensitiser. Spattering may be done with an old toothbrush or airbrush.


Cynaotype over pigment prints


Wear an apron; and rubber gloves and goggles for messy or close work. Clean up spills and spatters in the area as soon as you are finished. These can cause permanent stains.

Coating methods, exposure and processing times may vary; and it might be difficult to get good results with very porous or very smooth, hard surfaces; so experiment with small test images first!



Want to learn more? - do a workshop or one on one with Lloyd Godman