Sequence viewing > Index - Alternative Photo Emulsions - Resource - © Lloyd Godman

Alternative Photographic Processes - (Hand made photographic -emulsions and processes)

Processes - LIQUID LIGHT


Coating and Exposing Liquid Light
Safe Light: Use a dark yellow, light amber or red safelight while coating but when emulsion is drying and for storage total darkness is recommended.

At room temperature, liquid light is a solid gel and before use the bottle must be soaked in a container of hot water until it becomes a liquid at about 110 Deg F. It is not necessary to melt the entire contents if only a portion is to be used as the mixture is of a similar consistency throughout and in fact shaking the bottle will cause bubbles to form which can effect the application of the emulsion. Use containers and tools made only from plastic, rubber, enamel, stainless steel or glass.(Other metals such as plain steel or brass may contaminate the emulsion. Temperature and humidity in the darkroom should be moderate.


Want to learn more? - do a workshop or one on one with Lloyd Godman