Codes of Survival -Scripts - a series of short factionalized stories based
on historical events in the Subantarctic Islands written by Lloyd Godman
to accompany the exhibition and installation - 1993 - © Lloyd Godman
Codes of
Survival - Scripts
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Finally, the others in the party were out of both sight and sound. I was now around past the next bay. I was alone at last. Me as an island on an island, detached is / land, isolated totally, a(gland) in the sea. No where on the land could I see any signature from the signare, of a transfigured landscape, sig/ nature, civilization was anaesthetized at last. Vestal wilderness surrounded me on all sides, primus fundamentals of the primeval spirits pervaded, it was what I had aspired to from the very beginning, it was the invitation/motivation for coming and yet there was an eccentric over omnipotence that drove through all my senses. An undescribable perception/percepti'eve of unequated/antiquated/ unacquainted claustrophobia pervaded, and this I had not conciet/conceived/conciet or anticipated by any preclusion.
Was the date 1992, 1892 or the epochs of thousands of years ago?
How could one reference the visual? It was exactly as I wished. But perhaps I should never return to my time/\space again, perhaps it didn't exist/sexist any longer? Perhaps I was lost amid the rambunctious confusion/con/fusion, without any relative cosmic syncronism, without context/con/text. My rampant malignant fears irked me and the only way I could dispense with them and shake it off was to reassure myself that civilization still persevered somewhere, though perhaps far far from here, and in another time sphere. Incongruitly, I tingled with an invigorating idiosyncratic coalescence of excitement and vacillation. It was an evocative challenge.
This was not at all as I had envisioned the visioned, vision. I was supposed to be contemplating the meaning of the great experiment that is civilization for my new book, and as a contradiction, this isolation in the wilderness was meant to be a felicitous environment in which to honestly consolidate my disseminated thoughts absent from the influence I was to survey. To consolidate the assimilation of ideas on civilization, I had surmised that the supreme place to sojourn was as distant from the derivation/deviation as I could challenge myself, and here I was in the pristine environment of the Subantarctic Islands. A place of unconstructed/deconstruction. But suddenly, here I was also apprehensive, and burdened with other thoughts/emotions about my own unimportant/important, differenttia mortality.
Ahead was the reassurance I seeked. There on the beach, a modest plastic bottle. What a multifarious object, it clearly positioned me in the contextual correlation I needed, but exemplified the exorbitant position and predicament/resolution of civilization to date. I picked it up with delighted conviction/victim as it alleviated my deleterious anxiety but quickly concluded that it was simply rubbish and should be taken away from this pristine environment-terratorium in the justificative/justification of conservation. The inexplicable objectified, object was so extra in the position of extraneous to the terrestrial nature of the rocks that its myopia/providence was indisputably not here and I should make sure of that.
Formed in a luminous pink, an ostentatious modern fluorescent pink, the moulded descripted, indentations of insrciption on the refined sides, reflected Japanese style characters that were of an uncelebrated rhetoric. Was this another logocentric insignia from the from a similar but foreign phallocentric insigne. I knew nothing of this textural construct/context, (unconstructed) parenthetical, as I did of the innerspace contents now outerspace and it edified inconsequential evidence of the former liquid contents, context. Were the contents, probably a synthesis of (codexed/complex) chemicals as synthetic as this pretentious plastic, also now in the ocean? Had it infiltrated / filtrated / fil / rated the ocean as a toxic/(us) waste, through the lacing network of subterranean drains in some land far from here? Or had it dripped into the ocean from a foreign fishing boat somewhere close to these islands/a/gland? What ever the scenario, some how the container had washed up here to jolt me. For the bottle with the unscratable, inscribed, inscription on this beach unknown to the inscribe(r) seemed to have no context, epitomised as a con in text.
On I strolled with the plastic bottle firmly gripped in my hand until I came to an obliging headland which appealed as a nice place to take a welcome rest.
Here, I settled down on the bush verge to indulge in a well deserved snack of scroggin and to gain a mouthful of drink. The glistening waters of the open bay were strangely still and the irresolute sun was even shining through the misty cloud that hung around the high hills. As I sat, the sea lions and shags were going about their lives as though I did not exist or was insignificant / sign/if/I/er. My fears alleviated, I stretched out and began to relax, now, I was glad I had come all this way. The note book I had brought was out of my day pack, ready for the issuing/ensuing ideas I antic/I/pated. These are the type of islands that one can contemplate about complex issues undisturbed, in peace. I had made the right decision.
But still, the debate of the effect of civilization on the integrated eco system entered my reasoning not the precept-civilization perse. Had we progressed to the verge, where our sophistication and intellectual actions, act/I/on threatened our own existence along with much else that was living? Was this the incontrovertible, critical interface between the technological and biological con/ con/solid, consolidate, where to proceed further with the technological meant the extinguish/extinction of the biological? In the search for the ever intr/I/cate clandestines of the universe that we assume are ours by right, had we subterfuged our selves, and half the other life forms on the planet as well? Ultimately, would the reality of life on earth exist only as axiom.
How, alternatively does a place like this reciprocate to the transfigurations we continuously inflict upon it? Is it a question of autocratic puissance once again. Dominance of the power bureaus sUperm/Us. As the world I know is a male construct imposed unwillingly upon women by the patriarchal for thousands of years by dispassionate power bureaus, does the physicallity of environment-territorium that is the earth/ear have analogous encumbrances placed upon it that likewise, are beyond its own domination, that is dom/I/nation. The patriarchal society has always had the power, and through the autocratic society they dictate the way we are prerequisited, and act. Perhaps at the heart of this is the ritual (rit/us) of the coverted male gaze.
Without invited reservation, of the (reservat/I/on) it is argued that the gaze is key, acting as a suppressant of women and demeanering us as only possessional objects to provide a service, a commodity as one would posses a car, a house or fine painting. But do we all eye the earth in the same manner or is it only the conditioned response of the male gaze that coerces us to view it only in terms of possession, possess/I/on and or exploitation at the expense of life? The power of ownership, the responsibility of act/I/on.
Are these islands analogous and powerless to the changes we inflict upon it in much the same way? How can the environment react to this ozone of parenthetical issues for instance in an instance of the bio/geological clock? Is power the key once again? The powerful of any society imposes their convictions upon another, exploiting the humiliation of the weak. Is the world always set up to be polarized into north and south, two opposing forces, the polarizer verse the polarized to be? Does even the democratic, post patriarchal, eco-synchronous, undissembling socialist de/reconstructed community posse problems to the sig/nature?
Yet there could be other ways of looking at the situation. Take that there could be the perception of examining the existent constructs and deconstructed, postconstructed, futconstructed, fluxconstructed constructs from other intents, unpercievable to our limited discernment. A new world of another perspectiva unverificare. The very lignum vitae we seek. The fus/I/on. It may be that we are conditioned by the omni powerful force, and that as yet that may not be found in terms of differentiated/difference/differance. It may be physical, monetary, intellectual or indeterminate. We know of course, this force is also subtle, not like that of armed extortion, (extort/I/on) it is that with the existing command structure and civil conditioning, that effects even the deconstructed sig/nature with the most dollars, or political persuasion and is patriarchal.
But, is it any different to the dominance of differ/ant species on the planet, or minority groups within any species? Is not the sig/nature, of life to dominate, dom/I/nate ?
Are we not all authoritarian with our persona of responsibility, intellectual tyrannizes and the decision of act/I/on, towards the rest of the earth?
I was miles from my anticipated/ant/I strategy, but suddenly it seemed so essential.
I can't tell. Was it the oppressive (inpressive) uncharacteristic environment? Was it the way the rugged bush swept/wept down at me with every leaf and twig and insidiously kept creeping closer and closer to my nervous tendon now doubled in anxiety while at the same time the interminable ocean appeared to rush up at me all the way from the apparental horizon? Or was it the licentious thoughts rushing through my head?
For, incongruously, I was beginning to feel a twinge of a migraine coming on and in sudden irony felt the need to return to the others.
I instantaneously packed and in an expedite burst, rushed off across the fluxconstructed path I had come and would go.
Only after I arrived at the visual sanctuary of the boat and the added effects of some paracetamol had time to react did I relax in any way. It was too late, this time the captain wanted to sail on to another anchor and I could not return along these shores. At that time, /I/me inevitably realized that even with the most conscientious of intentions, the pink plastic container still prevailed, as the pre/veil of the inscribed, as the inscription by the inscribe, on the fabric of a pre-civilization precept beach.