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Mythology of Place - Homage to James K Baxter - © 1993-94 - Lloyd Godman - Lawrence Jones - Mythology of Place - Book now available

Photographs of the Brighton Coastal Otago World of James K Baxter

Aramoana from Taiaroa Heads, Lloyd Godman

Homage to Baxter -Resonance XV Panorama of Aramoana from Taiaroa Heads - 1994

Four selenium toned silver gelatine prints - Lloyd Godman - image is mapped click on image detail to enlarge - Full size image



Resonance XIV

This day the fog was either image-maker or breaker. We had driven out to Taiaroa Head and the thick bank of fog was threatening to engulf the whole scene as I raced up the slippery slope damp in morning dew to the top of the hill. From the road at the bottom I had seen the great clumps of lichen-encrusted rocks strewn across the tops and knew that while this would provide a focus in the foreground it would also offer a higher aerial view of the harbour. The fog drew through the neck and over the hills just enough to show in the photographs. From the left is the Peninsula down to Dunedin and Port Chalmers, across the harbour to the tidal flats and sand spits of Aramoana. The black lines of the various jetties and rock groynes strike across the water. In the foreground of the third photograph the road can be seen and below this is the gun pit and on the far right is Taiaroa Head.


Map of Brighton indicating where the image Resonance XV was taken from

enlarge map


James K Baxter - Poem references

At Aramoana  1966  CP 336

Boulders interrupt the long
Jetty from whose black asphalt
tongue the godwits fly...

where the sighing combs of water
talk under broken jetties, and the long

where the serpent current flows
out of the harbour gates, long-
flowing, strongly tugging at
the roots of the world.


The Kraken   1966  CP 335

Green flats of weed that Heaphy painted
Wait for the withheld kiss of the tide...

You who stroll on cliff-top boulders and
The abandoned gun-pit....

and watch how the kraken's wide

Blinding tendrils move like smoke over the neck.