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Mythology of Place - Homage to James K Baxter - © 1993-94 - Lloyd Godman - Lawrence Jones - Mythology of Place - Book now available

Photographs of the Brighton Coastal Otago World of James K Baxter

Smaill's Beach Gun Emplacement

Homage to Baxter -Resonance XIV - Smails Beach Gun Emplacement - 1994

Three selenium toned silver gelatine prints - Lloyd Godman - image is mapped click on image detail to enlarge - Full size image


Resonance XIV

I had also passed this gun emplacement on my surf trips up the Otago Peninsula but never found the time to stop. Perhaps here more than any of the other locations Baxter had taken licence and shifted elements around, for it is Bird Island in the background that is isolated at high tide and contains a large sea cave, perhaps resembling the gun emplacement. It is also impossible to see the surf of the ocean from down at the gun emplacement as the cliff edge drops away almost vertically and there is some distance to the edge from the emplacemant. But from the top, of the emplacement, the view is spectacular. The access around the beach can only be gained at low tide.


Map of Brighton indicating where the image Resonance XIV was taken from

enlarge map


James K Baxter - Poem references


They found an abandoned gun emplacement on a point of rock that was isolated by the waves at high tide..... They coupled on the concrete floor beside the corroded cables. It was the hour of the hawk, not the hour of the dove. While the waves chiseled at the rocks below, the mythical identification with all living things was achieved.