Ephemeral Sculpture Workshop
Course content
The exact workshop content may vary according to the need of participants. The following topics will be covered.
• History, reference points and key artists
• Developing a personal philosophical methodology
• Exploring concepts of order and chaos
• Letting go before you start
• Methods and strategies for locating an appropriate site
• Indentifying potential materials & construction methods
• Selecting a suitable site
• Deal with issues of scale, gravity and time
• The importance of documenting the process and work
• Photographic techniques
• Archiving
• Publishing
About Lloyd Godman
Since 1983 environmental issues have been the nucleus of Lloyd Godman’s art practice. He
It is doubtful if Australasia has a more protean, visionary and ecologically committed artist than Lloyd Godman. Born in Dunedin, New Zealand in1952, and now living in Melbourne, Australia, he has been exploring environmental issues through photography (in combination with sculpture, painting and installations) since the early1980s. He began taking more or less traditional landscape pictures in the late 1960s, but exposure to iconoclastic artists like Man Ray, Kurt Schwitters, and Joseph Beuys inspired him to begin chipping at the edges of photography in the interest of breaking down boundaries. Black and White magazine USA issue 57 2008
“Lloyd Godman’s twin careers of serious and successful organic gardener and practicing artist of great creative energy converge in new and constantly surprising ways to make art about the ecological concerns that underly his gardening. Over almost three decades his art has widened out from relatively traditional landscape photography to include elements of performance, audience participation art and multimedia installation to explore the tensions between electronic consumer society and the ecosystem.”
Artlink magazine - Ecology: Everyone’s Business - Vol 25 no 4 - Dec - Jan 2006
Check out Lloyd’s web site
What you should bring
A wide range of natural materials and interesting sites are available to work with. However if you have specific material natural or other material you would like to work with please bring them with you.
A good workshop and range of tools are available for use during the workshop.
Please bring:
• Sketch pad
• Camera
• Tripod
• Photographs of previous work
• Work gloves – fine leather or rubber
• Strong shoes or boots
• Old clothes or overalls
• Lunch to share (tea & coffee provided)
Any questions please ting Lloyd 0448188899
Places fill quickly. You are advised to book early to avoid disappointment. Reserve your place by ringing Rob Hails on 

(03) 9482 1605 .
A $100 deposit will be required to secure an enrolment. Balance of Course Fee is payable no later than commencement of first class.
A course fee refund will be given if:
• A class in which you are enrolled is cancelled.
• Notice of your withdrawal from a class is given at least 3 weeks in advance.
If you have any queries on the above information please ring: Rob Hails on 

(03) 9482 1605 .