Lloyd Godman - site map - © Lloyd Godman - (the date then - ) denotes the project is on going
Site info
In 1996 Lloyd Godman began documenting his work via the internet. At the time, because space was limited and speed was slow all the images were small. 1.44mb disc was a lot of space. Since then, the site has under gone constant change and expansion - it is an open document under constant re/construction - and over time he is aiming to update the earlier images to larger files - however some of these images, and incomplete information still remains on the site. If you have something you would like to contribute please contact Lloyd.
The site now contains a reference to nearly all the projects he has worked on dating back to the early 1970s. It also contains a growing resource of technical information on ecology, gardening, photography etc.
Because of what he sees as extreme urgency needed to address the many issues confronting the planet, in this recent up date more emphasis is placed on his environmental projects.
However other projects and information remain on the site in the archive.
when you enter the site at the home page
you will find the following links - click on each of these for more information on what they contain
projects | ideas | facilitation | archive | stock room | resource | about
the site is structured so as the navigation bar for each project is similar - generally this consists of the following -
next image | image index | text | artist journal | works for sale | comments | links
There may also be other project specific links like - map & info | sequence
The web and internet was introduced for public access around 1992. At the end of 1995, Lloyd Godman saw the potential of the internet as a means of not only making his work accessible to a wide audience but as a means of digital documentation and also as another medium for some works and projects.
By today's standards, at this time, much of the htm coding and software packages were primitive, domain names were expensive, bandwidth very slow. The objective at this time was to produce sites with small images that loaded quickly. At this time a storage device might consist of a 1,44mb floppy disk so images were kept as small as possible. Over the intervening years web technology at all levels has improved remarkably, the site has grown to more than 80,000 page and image files.
At present Lloyd is updating images on the site - see images below

Image from late 1990s

The same image re scanned in 2008 |
next image - this link will take you through the images page by page - often you can click on the image and it will enlarge -
image index - takes you to thumbnails of all images fro this project where you can click on an image and navigate to a lager image and any relevant information
text - takes you to any text that relates to the project - this may be written by Lloyd Godman or another author about the project
artist journal - gives information about the project in more of a dairy form - and connects the project to other relevant ideas and works - it may also make connections to technical information and other resources
works for sale - gives information on works for sale from this project
comments- documents relevant comments from observers about the work
links - makes links to relevant sites
map & info - give a map locating images etc from the project
sequence - relates any sequence of images from the project |