Mailart works 1989 - 2005 - © Lloyd Godman
Get Your
Feet Wet

Feet are in the water"
Godman - 2003 - Laser print
Your Feet Wet
the context of 2003, water year, the Center for Nature
and Environmental Initiation of Mulhouse, in the east
of France, invites every citizen to share the awareness
of what is at stake concerning the issue of Water on our
planet. Mail-Art principle; Technique, form of expression,
support and size : free No return - No jury All contributors’
works will be shown in an exhibition in the center. Deadline
: August 15th 2003. Postal address: "Le Moulin" Centre
d’Initiation à la Nature et à l’Environnement 7 rue de
la Savonnerie 68460 Lutterbach France (Don’t forget to
include your address) e-mail: