Mailart works 1989 - 2005 - © Lloyd Godman
or the Secret Language of Love

Venus" - Lloyd Godman
- Laser print - 2003
free. Size: postcard (10 cm x 15 cm), OR envelopes A4
(21 cm x 29,7 cm) Deadline: October 31, 2003 Exhibition:
December, 2003 (Buenos Aires), and in the web. No jury,
no return, documentation to all. traficoartecorreo@yahoo.com
http://ar.geocities.com/traficoartecorreo Mail to: Irene
Ronchetti Fraga 1060 C.P.1427, Capital Argentina
- Mailart call Subject : "Venus or the secret language
of the love" Theme: "Venus or the secret language of love"
Technique : it frees. Medium: free. Dimensions : postcard
(10x15 cm), A4 and/or you exceed. Size: postcard, and/or
A4 envelopes. Without jury, return, documentation to all,
exhibition in Buenos Aires and the Web. Not jury, not
return, documentation to all, show in Buenos Aires and
exhibition in the Web. Date of closing : 31 of October,
2003. Deadline : to october, 31 st., 2003. Send to : Irene
Ronchetti, Fraga 1060, C.P. 1427. Capital, Argentina Any
question ( any question ), ( send email to ) to send email:
to ilr@fibertel.com.ar