Codes of Survival - a series of combination
Photographs/photograms on the Subantarctic Islands of New
Zealand - 1993 - © Lloyd Godman

"In the early 1990s Lloyd's work explored the complex mix of creative adoption and destructiveness involved in the human participations with the ecosystem. Codes of Survival ( 1989 - 92), the result of a journey to the Auckland Islands, is a sequence that surrounds photographs of the pristine sub-antarctic land and seascapes with photograms of the human-made detritus that has washed up there. These objects, many of them tools, are "pollution", but they are also evidence of human attempts to survive in this harsh environment.
As Linda Tyler commented, the images paradoxically "register the inscriptions of culture upon nature, while alluding to the chthonian ( natural ) realm, which is beyond our possession".
These works came from an art
expedition of 11 artists to the Subantarctic Islands of New
Zealand in 1989 that was instigated by Lloyd Godman, the final works were curated into an exhibition, Art in the Sub antarctic that toured many art galleries though out New Zealand. Department of Conservation, the Soutland Museum and Art Gallery, the Arts Council of New Zealand, Television New Zealand, The art Gallery Directors Council all contributed to the success of the project.
Printed book
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In 1984 Lloyd Godman conceived the idea of take an expedition of artists to the remote Auckland Island 465 kilometres south of New Zealand, experience the wild environment, create a series of works that would tour New Zealand as a series of exhibitions. While these remote protected islands are most often the domain of scientists, Godman argued that artists are scientists, their research is on an aesthetic and conceptual level. Beset with many problems and political brick walls, the project took many years to materialize but with perseverance in 1989, eleven artists visited the Islands in a ground-breaking and highly successful project titled Arts to the Subantarctic. Selected works from the project artists toured art galleries and museums throughout New Zealand for over 2 years.
Codes of Survival is Godman's own contribution to the project, and the first series of work where he incorporated the photogram technique into his work and began moving to camera-less photography and an interest in photosensitivity.
132 pages -large format landscape (11 x 13 inches 33.02 x 27.94 cm) printed on ProLine Pear (140# Text) paper - Hardcover imagewrap