Codes of Survival - a series of combination Photographs/photograms on the Subantarctic Islands of New Zealand - 1993 - © Lloyd Godman

Left Image of triptych V - Survival Code VII - Rata Forest Floor Terror Cove
One of three 8"X10"
( 20.3 X 25.4 cm) unique
gelatine silver prints - Lloyd Godman
taken 1989 Photograph/photogram created 1990
Click on section to
enlarge - click here to enlarge full triptych
triptych - Survival
Code VIII - Original
gelatine silver prints - Lloyd Godman
8"X10" ( 20.3 X 25.4 cm) -
overall image size 10" X 24" (60.9 X 25.4 cm)
Photographs taken 1989 Photograph/photogram created 1990