Mythology of Place - Homage to James K Baxter - © 1993-94 - Lloyd Godman - Lawrence Jones
1993 to 1994 Lawrence Jones and Lloyd Godman worked collaboratively
on the Mythology of Place. They retraced the words of one of New Zealand's most acknowledged
poets, James K Baxter, searching for artifacts that referenced real
places, places where the youthful Baxter's naked feet once
trod, places that remained with him until the bare foot days before
his death.
Mythology of Place - Book now available
From their research,
Jones contributed a text Mythology of Place, that supported the
idea of Baxter's three Otago World's and Godman a series photographs Homage to Baxter, that referenced the images in Baxter's poetry.
Together they offer an insight into the Otago world's of James K Baxter
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Loyd Godman and Lawrence Jones were neighbors and friends who had lived for years at Brighton, New Zealand. Both lived very close to where James K Baxter had lived and were familiar with his work. Jones was writing a paper on Baxter and asked Godman to consider contributing some photographs of the places Baxter wrote about.
During 1993 to 1994 Lawrence Jones and Lloyd Godman worked collaboratively on the Mythology of Place. They retraced the words of one of New Zealand's most acknowledged poets, James K Baxter, searching for artifacts that referenced real places of his mythology. Places where the youthful Baxter's naked feet once trod, places that remained with him until the bare foot days before his death. This project was about the uneathing of three worlds of James K Baxter and though the critical text of Jones and the photographs of Godman a poignant focus of Baxter's work emerged.
94 pages - large format landscape (11 x 13 inches 33.02 x 27.94 cm)printed on ProLine Pear (140# Text) paper - Hardcover imagewrap