Bull Creek Journey -
2002 - Summer Solstice Journeys - a series of photographic journeys - © Lloyd Godman
Summer Solstice Journey VI - Bull Creek, Otago, New Zealand - Lloyd Godman 2002
In various manifestations, many of my projects involve a fascination with with light. Light provides both an entry point and vehicle in the work, I have always been responsive to light. At night when I go to bed, I fall into sleep easily and yet at the first glow a day when the light brakes away the darkness I wake and after a short meditation rise to greet the day.
The Bull Creek Summer Solstice Journey, explores the subtle mercurial changes of reflected light in water. This
was the sixth summer solstice sojourn and involved a random
journey following the reflection of the sun in the water from the
mouth of Bull creek up towards the bush. Although the day was somewhat cloudy the reflection of the sun remained in the muscled waters of the creek. It was also the first journey
where I recommenced it on another day.

Bull Creek looking towards the ocean |
journey was interrupted when the sky completely clouded over, and
recommenced a few days later. During this second day the sky also
clouded over and was finally finished on the 3rd of January 2003. |

The journey began just as the sun rose above the ocean and followed
the reflection up the creek. However it was a day when the sun came
and went behind the clouds and finally disappeared altogether. Because
I could seethe potential of the journey beginning at the coast and
reaching into the Rata forest I returned a few days later and completed
it. |

The journey followed the water flowing down the creek |

all previous Solstice journeys the square format camera was
tipped onto a diagonal to produce a lozenge shaped image. The solstice
is a time of balance when the sun has reached its zenith and is
about to tip back towards winter. |

By taping a level
to the camera back it is quick and easy to position the camera frame
on the diagonal. |