So ambitious and a wonderful installation - sublime isn’t to strong a description! Dave Ritchie
What a sight! what a dream you made real! The courage to walk into the portal to another light world. The trees the trees shone like stars. constellations of trees . love your work - Naomi
You are a definite wild man! Your work is fantastic and fresh! Tom Lindsay, Woodbridge, Va., USA
Amazing play & interplay of light beams and impressions in the darkened glasshouse. Wonderful to sit quietly and soak in the gentle rays. Thanks. David Buller
Illuminating - Jenny Brown - the Age
Below a selection of images from Carbon Obscura ebook |
Carbon Obscura 2007 - 2012 Ebook
Carbon Obscura is a word play on camera obscura. These were interactive installations where the audience triggered a fog generator as they entered a darkened space. However the surface of the structures were penetrated with thousands of tiny pinholes that let light enter the space offering a magical light show.
Carbon Obscuras were constructed for installations at:
Carbon Obscura I Montsalvat Melbourne Australia
Carbon Obscura II Chateau de Blacons, France
Carbon Obscura III Burrinja Gallery
Carbon Obscura IV Kernot Hall Grounds, Morwell, Australia
Carbon Obscura V Roof deck ANU as part of VIVID
Carbon Obscura VI Yering Station Australia
Carbon Obscura VII LaTrobe Regional Art Gallery Australia
Carbon Obscura VIII Federation SquareLight Factory Gallery Eltham, Australia
Carbon Obscura IX PICA Perth, Australia
Carbon Obscura
interactive light installations 2007 – 2012
ISBN: 978-1-923026-12-4
Now available as an ebook on
or as an interactive PDF via email
lloydgodman at gmail.
more information
234 ebook pages ( 468 pages)