Aporian Emulsions - © Lloyd Godman - 1993 - 2004 This large series of both Van Dyke Brown and Cyanotype prints, where the emulsion was applied in
free form shapes and exposed via photograms, many were later hung as large installations by Lloyd Godman. The work was a further development of an earlier photogram project, Evidence from the Religion of Technology.

Artifiction, large Installation of alternative process photograms, Cyanoptypes & Van Dyke Brown prints, Forrester Gallery, Oamaru, New Zealand 1998
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Lloyd Godman was lecturer in charge of photography at the School of Art. Otago Polytechnic, Dunedin, New Zealand from 1986 until 2005 where he established a department that was highly regarded for its explorative approach to photography, and in particular alternative photographic processes. From 1989, his art practice has centered on the phenomenon of light and a wide range of photosensitive emulsions (including plants and photosynthesis) and camerless photography through the use of photograms. In Aproian Emulsions he utilizes alternative photo-emulsions like Cyanotype and Van Dyke Brown in a plastic manner, where the confines of the rectangle are broken and the liquid flows as marks and motifs. Rather than a fault, aberrations in the process are embraced as an aesthetic device that strengthens the concept of the work.
126 pages - large format landscape (11 x 13 inches 33.02 x 27.94 cm) printed on ProLine Pear (140# Text) paper - Hardcover imagewrap