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Perceptive Vision - Developing a Personal Style

Imagine an out come

While it can be useful to remain flexible and open, engage with the subject and see how things develop before deciding on an outcome – for some work it can be useful to have a specific outcome in mind –

If you have not worked on project based work before, you might like to set yourself a project like a small limited edition artist book based an a specific subject. It is quite easy to do this with digital technology and high quality printers and have the pages bound. Perhaps you are leaving on a trip and would like to produce something more refined than a series of simple snapshots or countless digital images that sit unseen on a hard drive or DVD. Set out with a book in mind. Plan out the book with a preface page that introduces the work, the place, date and artist – imagine how many pages and the style of the book. Is it portrait or landscape form? Making some decisions before you leave can influence how you frame the subject.

Once you have returned and are working on the book production, don’t try to put too many images in the book - be highly critical – look for images that relate aesthetically, and in content – reject images that are visually poor and technically inferior.