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Photogram projects by Lloyd Godman - photogram artists


Combination of Opaque and Transparent objects

Combinations of solid and transparent objects over laid can produce all kinds of intricate and abstract images. If the time is taken to expose one set of objects and then shift them around to make a second exposure, entirely new and unexpected imaginary objects can metamorphosis in the resulting photogram image, which are a combination of the two.

Opaque and Transparent objects

Like Meret Oppenheim's surrealist fur-lined teacup the results can suggest the impossible, the ridiculous. Perhaps the silhouette of a knife ( the first exposure) with the texture of a feather (the second exposure).


This section of a photogram illustrates the combination of a feather
and the embossed writing on a glass bottle of the words " R G Taylor Chemist"
Note the in some cases, the letters of the words are printed back to front, which can add another abstraction.

The object to use most of all use 
your imagination.



Want to learn more? - do a workshop or one on one with Lloyd Godman