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Sensitive Materials that can be used to make photograms & other potentials

While most photograms are made with standard black and white photographic paper, the Photogram is a process that lends itself to experimenting and in terms of materials, the limiting factor is only one's imagination.

It is often said photograms have an x-ray like quality, but the x-ray can also be used to make creative images. When we have our teeth or our body x-rayed the image is actually a photogram; there is no camera involved.

The plate is laid under the bones to x-rayed and the exposure made. If one has access to the equipment some very interesting images can be produced. While the images might have to be reproduced through digital printing, electronic x-ray devices such as those used at airport offer interesting possibilities in colour.


Want to learn more? - do a workshop or one on one with Lloyd Godman