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Photogram projects by Lloyd Godman - photogram artists

Sensitive Materials that can be used to make photograms & other potentials


While most photograms are made with standard black and white photographic paper, the Photogram is a process that lends itself to experimenting and in terms of materials, the limiting factor is only one's imagination.

A section of a photogram from the Adze to Coda series on Black and White paper.

Standard black and white photographic paper:
This is the typical photographic material most people begin making photograms with. It is readily available as are the chemicals to process it. The contrast can be controlled by using different grades of paper or using multi contrast filters and multi contrast paper. One advantage is that it can be processing a safe light, which means we can see where and how objects are placed on the paper before the exposure is made. It is a negative process which means the areas which received the most light will record as the darkest in the final print representing the object in a ghost like fashion.

A typical Black and White Photographic paper I use to make photograms

I used this material for both :

Codes of Survival project
Adze to Coda project.





Want to learn more? - do a workshop or one on one with Lloyd Godman