Mythology of Place - Homage to James K Baxter - © 1993-94 - Lloyd Godman - Lawrence Jones
Mythology of place - references
1. James K Baxter, "Notes on the Education of a New Zealand Poet", in The Man on a Horse (Dunedin :University Press, 1967) p.122
2. 'Conversation with an Ancestor', in The Man on the Horse, p. 23
3.J.E. Weir, 'An Interview with James K. Baxter', Landfall 174 (September 1974), 243.
4. 'The Fire and the Anvil: III. Symbolism in New Zealand Poetry', in James K. Baxter as Critic: a selection from his literary criticism by Frank McKay (Auckland: Heinemann Educational Books, 1978), p. 52.
5. Horse (Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1985), pp. 49-50.
6. 'Conversation with an Ancestor', p. 26.
7. 'Letter to my Parents', unpublished poem from , no. 844, Ms 704/13, Hocken Library.
8. 'Notes on the Education of a New Zealand Poet', p. 132; 'Literature and Belief ', in James K.
Baxter as Critic, p. 46.
9. 'The Man on the Horse', in The Man on the Horse, p. 99.
10. 'Symbolism in New Zealand Poetry', p. 54.
11. 'Recent Trends in New Zealand Poetry', in James K. Baxter as Critic, p. 3.
12. 'The Dark Side', Collected Poems , ed. J.E. Weir (Wellington: Oxford University Press, 1979),
pp. 116-17; the early notebook version of the poem makes clear that the 'savage' refers to the
poet's Scottish tribal ancestors (Ms 704/16).
13. Review of Alistair Campbell, Mine Eyes Dazzle: Poems 1947-49, in James K. Baxter as Critic,
p. 149; review of Denis Glover, Arawata Bill, in James K. Baxter as Critic, p. 154.
14. 'Baxter on his Own Poetry', in James K. Baxter as Critic, pp. 210-11.
15. 'Notes on the Education of a New Zealand Poet', p. 132.
16. 'On Returning to Dunedin', Otago Daily Times, 22 September 1966, p. 4.
17. 'Recent Trends in New Zealand Poetry', p. 10.
18. 'On Returning to Dunedin', p. 4.
19 'Recent Trends in New Zealand Poetry', p. 10.
20. 'Elegy at the Year's End', 'The Town under the Sea', and 'Ode', Collected Poems , pp. 135, 252, 306.
21.'The Town under the Sea' (prose version), Meanjin 15 (1956), 341.
22. 'From Hill-top', unpublished poem, no. 551, Ms 704/9.
23. 'Prediction', unpublished poem, no. 554, Ms 704/9.
24. 'Memorandum', unpublished poem, no. 655, Ms 704/11.
25. 'Poetry and Education', unpublished talk given at the Winter School of the English Association, August 1963 (Ms 975/163, Hocken Library), p. 3.
26. 'Poetry and Education', pp. 3-4.
27. Meanjin 15, 341; Collected Poems, p. 253.
28. Meanjin 15, 342.
29. 'He Who Comes Back', NZ Listener, 17 August 1956, p. 27.
30. 'Youth', unpublished poem, Ms 704/27.
31. 'Wild Bees', Collected Poems, p. 83.
32. 'The First Forgotten', Collected Poems, pp. 30-31.
33. 'The Fallen House', Collected Poems, pp. 97-98.
34. 'A View from Duffy's Farm', Collected Poems, pp. 350-51.
35. 'The Paddock', Collected Poems, p. 408.
36. 'First Years Remembered: Kuri Bush', unpublished poem, Ms 704/17.
37 'At Kuri Bush', Collected Poems, pp. 370-71.
38. 'He Who Comes Back', NZ Listener, 17 August 1956, p. 27
39. 'A Family Photograph 1939', Collected Poems, p. 237.
40. 'Elegy at the Year's End', Collected Poems, p. 135.
4. 1'To My Father', Collected Poems, pp. 65-66.
42. 'To My Father in Spring', Collected Poems, p. 365.
43. 'Ode', Collected Poems, pp. 305-06.
44. 'Conversation with an Ancestor', p. 33.
45. 'Conditions of Freedom', unpublished poem, Ms 704/20.
46. 'Discourse on Trees', unpublished poem, Ms 704/19.
47. 'A Family Photograph 1939', Collected Poems, p. 237.
48. 'The Homecoming' and 'Pig Island Letters 2' , Collected Poems, pp. 121, 277.
49. 'Essay on the Higher Learning', The Spike, 1961, p. 62; Horse, .11.
50. 'The Town under the Sea' (prose version), p. 342; 'The Giant's Grave', Collected Poems, p . 153.
51. 'Paradise Ducks', NZ Listener, 2 March 1956, p. 5.
52. 'Winter River', Collected Poems, pp. 377-78.
53. 'The Millstone', Collected Poems, p. 409.
54. 'Here', Collected Poems, pp. 414-15.
55. 'I Remember a Boy', unpublished poem, Ms 704/20.
56. 'The Boys' and 'Eel Fishing' in Collected Poems, pp. 247, 619.
57. 'The River', Collected Poems, p. 353; 'The Town under the Sea' (prose version), Meanjin, 15, 341.
58. 'The Bridge', Collected Poems, p. 372.
59. 'At Kuri Bush', Collected Poems, p. 371.
60. 'At Taieri Mouth' and 'The Glass Lamp', Collected Poems, pp. 231, 255.
61. 'The River', Collected Poems, p. 385.
62. 'The Flood', Collected Poems, p. 263.
63. 'Henley Pub (a traveller's soliloquy)', Collected Poems, pp. 324-25.
64. 'The Virgin and the Temptress' in The Man on the Horse, pp. 77-78.
65. 'Taieri Gorge', unpublished poem, no. 1020, Ms 704/14.
66. 'Introduction', New Zealand in Colour, photographs by Kenneth and Jean Bigwood, text by James K. Baxter (Wellington: A.H. & A.W. Reed, 1961). In the passage Baxter goes on to quote a passage from 'At Akitio'.
67. 'Symbolism in New Zealand Poetry', James K, Baxter as Critic, p. 45.
68. NZ Listener, 14 June 1963, p. 5.
69. 'Conversation with an Ancestor', p. 12.
70. 'Introduction', New Zealand in Colour.
71. 'My father's wintering', unpublished poem, Ms 704/15.
72. 'Thorns', Collected Poems, p. 427; 'On Returning to Dunedin', p. 4; 'The Man on the Horse', p.91; 'Notes on the Education of a New Zealand Poet', p. 125.
73. 'Great-Uncles and Great-Aunts', Collected Poems, pp. 315-16.
74. 'Notes on the Education of a New Zealand Poet', pp. 153-55. See Collected Poems, p. 372; there is an earlier vision of the rocks as Prometheus in the unpublished 'Seascape', no. 826, Ms 704/13.
75. 'Not Having a Tartan', unpublished poem, Ms 704/25.
76. Collected Poems, p. 135.
77. 'The Return', Collected Poems, p. 179.
78'At Brighton Bay', Collected Poems, p. 371.
79. Landfall 75 (September 1965), 243.
80. 'The Kraken', Collected Poems, pp. 335-36.
81. The Birth of Beauty', unpublished poem, no. 137, Ms 704/3.
82. 'Conversation with an Ancestor', p. 25; he is referring to an implicit allusion in 'At Aramoana', Collected Poems, p. 336.
83. 'At Aramoana', Collected Poems, p. 338.
84. 'Notes on the Education of a New Zealand Poet', p. 153.
85. 'Apparition of the Goddess Venus to a Sleepy Man', Collected Poems, p. 384.
86. Horse, pp. 50-51.
87. 'Tunnel Beach', Collected Poems, p. 53.
88. 'Letter to Robert Burns', Collected Poems, p. 291.
89. 'Rhadamanthus', Collected Poems, pp. 407-08.
90. 'The Tunnel', unpublished poem, Ms 704/26; a similar view appears in 'Tunnel Beach Revisited' in the same notebook.
91. 'Notes on the Education of a New Zealand Poet', pp. 153-54.
92. 'Early Intimations on Brighton Bridge', unpublished poem, Ms 704/23.
93. 'Be Happy in Bed' and 'Winter River', Collected Poems, pp. 199, 378.
94. 'Never No More', Collected Poems, p. 121.
95. Horse, p. 5
96. 'Brighton', Collected Poems, p. 230.
97. 'Great-Uncles and Great-Aunts', Collected Poems, p. 315.
98. 'Never No More', 'Be Happy in Bed' and 'Pig Island Letters 5', Collected Poems, pp. 122, 199, 280.
99. 'Two Characters and a Boat Shed', unpublished poem, Ms 704/24; 'Home', unpublished prose poem, Ms 704/24.
100. 'The Bad Young Man', Collected Poems, p. 118.
101. 'The Walk', Collected Poems, p. 123.
102. 'Bonfire', Collected Poems, p. 390.
103. 'The Parson's Rock', NZ Listener, 18 February 1955, p. 8; 'In Fires of No Return', Collected Poems, p. 166.
104. 'Letter to Noel Ginn II', Collected Poems, p. 72.
105. 'The Waves', Collected Poems, p. 286.
106. 'Praise at Day's End', NZ Listener, 2 March 1956, p. 5; 'The World of the Creative Artist', in James K. Baxter as Critic, p. 180.
107. 'The Fisherman', Collected Poems, p. 159.
108. 'Brighton', Collected Poems, p. 230.
109. 'A Country Idyll', unpublished poem, Ms 704/16.
110'The Rock', Collected Poems, p. 362.
111 'Symbolism in New Zealand Poetry', James K. Baxter as Critic, p. 61.
112'Cold Spring', unpublished poem, no. 832, Ms. 704/13. '
113'[because the flax blades]', Collected Poems, pp. 422-23.
114'The Rock Woman', Collected Poems, p. 154.
115'The Chair', Collected Poems, pp. 353-54.
116 'The Hollow Place', Collected Poems, pp. 251-52.
117 'Notes on the Education of a New Zealand Poet', p. 124.
118'The Cave', Collected Poems, p. 69.
119 'Air Flight North', Collected Poems, p. 392.
120 'Travelling to Dunedin', Collected Poems, p. 366.
121 'On Returning to Dunedin', p. 4; the same image appears in 'Irenaeus' Day, unpublished poem, Ms 704/25.
122 'At Aramoana', Collected Poems, p. 336.
123 'Conversation with an Ancestor', p. 25.
124'In Fires of No Return', Collected Poems, p. 165.
125'Symbolism in New Zealand Poetry', p. 51.
126'The Prisoner Describes Himself ', unpublished prose poem, Ms 704/27.
127'The Waves', Collected Poems, pp. 287-88.
128'Letter to Noel Ginn II', Collected Poems, p. 72.
129'Letter to Sam Hunt', Collected Poems, p. 431.
130 'October Water Poem' and 'The Gale', Collected Poems, pp. 416-17, 418.
131'At Goat Island (for Hoani)', Collected Poems, p. 426.
132'Poem Against Comfort (for Peter)', Collected Poems, p. 422.
133'At Aramoana', Collected Poems, pp. 336-37.
134'Conversation with an Ancestor', p. 126.
135 'Reflection on the choice of a Grave', unpublished poem, Ms 704/15.
136Untitled draft, Ms. 975/25; see 'Letter to Noel Ginn II', Collected Poems, p. 72.
137James K. Baxter (Wellington: Oxford University Press, 1976), p. 21.
138'Introduction', New Zealand in Colour.
139'Notes on the Education of a New Zealand Poet', p. 145
140 'Dunedin Revisited' and 'The Cold Hub', Collected Poems, pp. 235, 256.
141'At Dunedin', unpublished poem, Ms 704/19.
142 'A Fifty-Acre Bedroom', unpublished poem, Ms 704/22.
143'At Dunedin'; Cressida: 1 In the Lecture Room', Collected Poems, p.1
145 'The Clock Tower [above the river]', unpublished poem, Ms 704/26.
146 'Dunedin', unpublished poem, Ms 704/21.
147 Horse, p. 75.
148'To a City Father', unpublished poem, Ms 704/26.
149Horse, p. 31.
150'Notes on the Education of a New Zealand Poet', pp. 142-43.
151 'Dunedin Habits' and'Pig Island Letter 3', Collected Poems, pp. 340, 278.
152 'Home Thoughts', Collected Poems, p. 255.
153'Walking up Castle Street', p. 343; Horse, p. 45.
154'Letter to Robert Burns', Collected Poems, pp. 289-91.
155'Notes on the Education of a New Zealand Poet', p. 139.
156'A Small Ode on Mixed Flatting', Collected Poems, p. 397.
157 'The Cold Hub', Collected Poems, pp. 256-57
158'Pig Island Letters 3', Collected Poems, p. 278.
159'Words to Lay a Strong Ghost (after Catullus): 13 The Flower', Collected Poems, pp. 362-63.
160 'Pig Island Letters 1', Collected Poems, p. 277.
161'Henley Pub', Collected Poems, p. 324; 'The Virgin and the Temptress', p. 82.
162 'Letter to Robert Burns', Collected Poems, p. 290.
163'The Clock Tower [above the river]', unpublished poem, Ms 704/26.
164'On First Seeing Otago University', unpublished poem, Ms 704/7.
165 'Afternoon Walk', Collected Poems, p. 376; 'Walking Up Castle Street', p. 344.
166 ''The School of Love', unpublished poem, Ms 704/21; 'Ikon', unpublished poem, Ms 704/21; Pig Island Letters 7', Collected Poems, p. 281.
167 Horse, p. 116.
168 'The Fiery Shirt', Collected Poems, p. 407.
169 'Introduction', New Zealand in Colour.
170 'Conversation with an Ancestor', p. 25; 'At the Fox Glacier Hotel', Collected Poems, p. 368.
171 'Christmas Poem (for Mrs Hurst Seager)', Collected Poems, p. 37.
172'Towards Te Anau', NZ Listener, 20 May 1966, p. 6.
173'Symbolism in New Zealand Poetry', p. 61.
174 ''The Mountains', Collected Poems, p. 8; At Naseby', Collected Poems, pp. 388-89; see Frank McKay, The Life of James K. Baxter (Auckland: Oxford University Press,), pp. 82-83.
175 'Words to Lay a Strong Ghost (After Catullus): 5 The Earth', Collected Poems, p. 358.
176 'At Raspberry Hut', Collected Poems, p. 236; Horse, p. 117.
177 'Poem in the Matukituki Valley', Collected Poems, p. 87.
178 'Haast Pass', Collected Poems, p. 62.
179'The Mountains', 'Haast Pass', 'Poem in the Matukituki Valley', Collected Poems, pp. 8-9, 63, 87.
180The Memoirs of Millicent Baxter, (Whatamongo Bay: Cape Catley, 1981), p. 70.
181 'Prelude N.Z.', Collected Poems, pp. 16-17.
182'O land seen in the light of an inhuman dawn', Collected Poems, p. 9; Luggate Pub; unpublished poem, Ms 704/14.
183 'Love-Lyric IV', Collected Poems, p. 24
184 'Naseby', Collected Poems, p. 50.
185 'Poem in the Matukituki Valley', Collected Poems, p. 87.
186'High Country Weather', Collected Poems, p. 34.
187'Thinking About Mountains (I)', unpublished poem, Ms 704/28.
188'Thinking About Mountains (II)', Poet, (Madras), 1968.
189'The Track', Collected Poems, pp. 341-42,
190 'High Country Weather', unpublished version, Ms 704/15.
191'O lands seen in the light of an inhuman dawn' and 'The Prospector', Collected Poems, pp. 9, 91.
192 'Poem in the Matukituki Valley' and 'The Pass', Collected Poems, pp. 86, 390-91; Horse, p.117.
193'After Rain', NZ Listener, 10 February 1955, p. 12.
194'Eagle', 'Hawk and Hare', and 'Temple Basin', Collected Poems, pp. 12, 3, 75.
195'Let Time be Still' and 'My love late walking', Collected Poems, pp. 52, 64-65.
196 'The Mountaineer', Collected Poems, p. 341.
197 'The Monument', Collected Poems, pp. 340-41.
198'Poem in the Matukituki Valley', Collected Poems, p. 87; review of Paul Powell, Men Aspiring, New Zealand Dental Journal 64 (October 1968), 278.
199 'Rocky Island', unpublished poem, no. 102, Ms 704/2.
200'Ode to a Tui', unpublished poem, no. 16, Ms 704/1.
201 'The City Wakes (Dunedin)', unpublished poem, no. 119, Ms 704/2.
202 'Introduction to A Book of New Zealand Verse 1923-45, in Look Back Harder: Critical Writings 1935-1984 ( ed. Peter Simpson Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1987), p. 45.
203 'In One Short Hour' (poem no. 134), 'Xmas Eve, written on Xmas Eve' (poem no. 159), 'Evening by the Lake' (poem no. 154), unpublished poems, Ms 704/3.
204 'They may seek vainly', poem no. 357, Ms 704/6; 'Bees', poem no. 260, Ms 704/4; 'The Glacier- Wall', poem no. 220, Ms 704/4; 'On first Seeing Otago University', poem no. 427, Ms 704/6.
205 'At Balclutha', unpublished poem, no. 765, Ms 704/12.
206 'The Return', Collected Poems, p. 179.
207 'On Returning to Dunedin', p. 4.
208'The Rocks', 'Autumn Testament 9', and 'Meditation on my Father's Death', Collected Poems, pp. 483, 545, 492.
209 'Introduction to The Penguin Book of New Zealand Verse' and 'New Zealand Literature: The Case for a Working Definition', in Look Back Harder, pp. 172, 199