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Mythology of Place - Homage to James K Baxter - © 1993-94 - Lloyd Godman - Lawrence Jones - Mythology of Place - Book now available

Photographs of James K Baxter's Central Otago Hinterland World

Detail Left - Homage to Baxter - Resonance XVIII - Panorama of the Upper Matukituki Valley before the river branches east and west. 1994

four selenium toned silver gelatine prints - Lloyd Godman -

Image is mapped - click on image detail to enlarge - Full size image

Resonance XVIII

During February as Lawrence drove up the Matukituki valley this bent pole caught my eye an we stopped to take a photograph. However, it wasn't until I returned in winter when there was more snow and rising mist in the valley that I was able to get this image. Exactly how the pole became bent is unknown, but perhaps the "tigers" attacked it in the darkness of the night.

Map of Brighton indicating where the image Resonance XVIII as taken from

enlarge map


Poem references

The Mountains   1942   CP 8

But here they stand in massed solidity
to seize upon the day and night horizon....

The mountains crouch like tigers.
They are but stone yet the seeking eyes grow blind.