which is the rock Baxter called "Prometheus" is difficult to tell,
for there are several groups of rocks that become covered
with sand for even years at a time before being exposed again at
the wild hands of an ocean storm, or the bursting flood of water
down the river during heavy rain. This rock however is more resilient
than the others and appears more regularly. It sits closer to the
water at the entrance to the bay and is less likely to be buried
by sand and more likely to grow barnacles.

Map of Brighton Bay indicating where the image Resonance III was taken from
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James K Baxter - Poem
Titan CP
The rock limbs
of Prometheus
Lie twisted at the entrance to the bay
Like corroded Iron......
Think CP
It is a long time since he brought
the fire of Zeus to us Lightening
our chaos, for many
aeons Hour by Hour the sea vulture
Has been tearing at his guts.
Town Under the Sea 1962 CP
Kelp - bladders,
tangled thrown
up by the cannibal sea
From the Mountains 1968 CP
And the rock of
barren friendship, has another shape....
Despair is the
only gift;
When it is shared, it becomes a different thing; like rock, like
Tears from faces
of stone.