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Secrets of the Forgotten Tapu - © Lloyd Godman

Image detail - " Black lies the Stone" - Shot 27 -10-85 - film 35mm - 184 - from a digital scan and remaster - Aug 2010 - Collage - Lloyd Godman


Basalt forms Blackhead< dunedin< Lloyd Godman

" Black lies the Stone" - Back wall of the amphitheatre, the Roman Baths, Blackhead, Dunedin, New Zeland - Shot 27 -10-85 - film 35mm - 184 - from a digital scan and remaster - Aug 2010 - Collage - Lloyd Godman - click to enlarge section

Black lies the Stone - 1985-86 - 650 x 390- Collage - Silver Gelatine Prints - ( from a slide taken from the print) - Lloyd Godman

Tinirau, (Blackhead) Makereatu Sacred Place