CH2 Building Melbourne

Photograph supplied City of Melbbourne photographer David Hannah October 2022
The building was built by Hansen Yuncken and was Australia’s first building to be awarded a six Green Star design rating and was officially opened in August 2006. The building was designed with many experimental systems which allowed a critical analysis of their effectiveness.
The initial design including large planter boxes with climbing plants, however these failed to fully establish. In 2022 studio LAB xeric was contacted by city architect Rob Adams, to install a pilot xeric Tillandsia screen and continue the philosophy of experimentation on the building. Notice the raven nest on the far lower right. The xeric screens are installed with no watering system with the plants relying entirely on their evolved biology. The installation is also 100% plastic free!

Photo Dec 2023

The Tillandsias flower every year and dead flower spikes are visible from a previous flowering.

In October 2023, the xeric Tillandsia screen had been installed 10 levels up on CH2 Building for over 6 months. Photo Oct 2023
So how does it stack up?
• Maintenance visits 0
• Maintenance cost 0
• Water usage 0
• Fertilizer usage 0
• Replacement plants 0
• Energy usage 0
• Escaped microfibers 0
• Weed species 0
• Pesticides used 0
• Enjoyment from staff – immeasurable
