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For your enjoyment - E Books by Lloyd Godman

Below a selection of pages from the ebook


ROTAX series ebook

ISBN - 978-1-923026-02-5

Now available as an ebook on

Google Play Book Store - info and free sample

or as an PDF via email

lloydgodman at gmail.com

Rotax project 1983 - 2023 is a series of black & white landscape photographs which play visually with the photograph as a means of creating graphic motifs. The project moves beyond the concept of traditional photograph as a single frame, and instead, photographs of a particular scene are taken, in a landscape format and then the same scene is captured again in a portrait format. The two images are printed twice, and the resulting four images are assembled as an intriguing mandala. While there are artists who have utilized this technique via Photoshop in recent times, Godman is among very few artists that used the concept in the 1980s, when analogue photography required film, darkrooms, and specific skills. Within the new asymmetrical photographic geometry emerges a new imaginative image.

 Rotax represents rotational axis and the ebook presents a full suite of images in both landscape and portrait formats. Some images were taken of the Clutha River while the artist was working on The Last Rivers Song, some at Blackhead Dunedin while working on Secrets of the Forgotten Tapu, some at the Pyramids and a few at the Grampians in Victoria. Its monochromatic photographs are bold and graphic, maintaining a delicate balance of gravity and weightlessness, and are infused with a gestalt aesthetic that fuses multiple images into a single entity to offer a new insight of the landscape we live in.