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For your enjoyment - E Books by Lloyd Godman


Below a selection of pages

adze to CODA 1993 - 2004 - Ebook

evolved from Godman combining photographs and photograms in the earlier Codes of Survival series.

..paradox is explored further in Adze to Coda: an archaeology of device ( 1993 2004). Photographic images from the " estate of Wilderness" - native bush at Piha, on the Auckland west coast, rock formations at port Pegasus on Stewart Island in the far south - are accompanied by shaped photograms. The shapes are of simple tools - Maori fishhooks, adze heads, patu, Pakeha hammers, saws, spanners, while contained within them are photograms of layers of old gears, broken blades, corroded screws - tools of the past, returning to nature through rust and rot, ' an archaeology of implements that reference their own history'. The series ends with 1's and 0's instead of tools , for with the 'soft tools' of the computer age we are left with binary codes rather than physical remains, and the tactility of the object is denied.

Lawrence Jones - At Link Vol 25 - No 4


ISBN: 978-0-6457151-5-6

Now available as an Ebook from

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lloydgodman at gmail.com