Plants and Architecture

Plants and Architecture
Critical Comparisons of Xeric and Hydric Plant Systems
ISBN: 978-1-923026-09-4
Pages 382
Please note: This ebook has been specifically designed as an epublication and is optimized for viewing on Thorium Reader. Thorium Reader is the free EPUB reader of choice for Windows 10 and 11, MacOS and Linux.
Greening the built environment by integrating plants into architecture has seen vertical and roof gardens flourish in recent decades, and they continue to capture the attention of architects, designers, city planners, and the general public as the threat of climate change and biodiversity loss looms ever larger. But one question remains: how sustainable are each of these various systems? And when all factors are considered, are these gardens really contributing to capturing CO2, and serving as a sustainable outcome for our urban environments, or are the installation of these gardens a subversive form of greenwashing? And ultimately, can plants ever be integrated into architecture in a fully sustainable manner? Plants and Architecture offers critical and insightful comparisons of hundreds of vertical and roof gardens around the world that use various Xeric or selective systems, as well as Hydric or adaptive systems.
Plants and Architecture combines over a decade of experimental research and observations of (insert number of projects that are discussed in the eBook), each of which are illustrated with detailed photographs. This eBook utilises real world examples to discuss the potential issues that can arise from the integration of plants into architecture, including the uses of fertiliser, water usage and migration, plant failure, pathogens, metal corrosion, weight considerations, ongoing maintenance costs, fire risk, the use of plastics and the limitations of recycling.
Plants and Architecture shows examples from Australia, France, Germany, Vietnam, Peru, Cambodia, Singapore, Philippines, and presents iconic projects like One Central Park Sydney, Bosco Verticale Milan, Musée du Quai Branly Paris, and CH2 Building Melbourne. With 789 photographs and 89 diagrams, 65 projects are presented.
Plants and Architecture explores the history of plants and architecture and offers insights as to how plants find their own habitat within the built environment without human intervention, and how this existing method and other techniques can be utilised as a template for sustainable urban gardens.
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382 ebook pages ( 764 pages)
An ebook page is a double page spread which as a hard copy book is double the numbver of pages