Photo-syn-thesis Since 1996 Godman has been working with plants the process of photosynthesis. The works manifested themselves through a range of projects. Organic inscriptions, biotic imprinting, photosynthetic marks. While culture imposes its own marks on nature, nature itself is a huge intricate web of complex marks. In fact the largest photosensitive emulsion is the very fabric of the planet, plants. " Since the late 1990s Lloyd's work has been more a celebration of light "as origin, process and outcome". Light is the "giver of life" through the process of photosynthesis, is central to the process of photographic image-making, but is also ironically "the medium which metamorphoses on the screen as advertising or corporate radiation' and thus "indirectly drives the global mechanism of consumerism". That consumer society depends on the diversity of abundance of flora and fauna on the planet, the very ecosystem that is the boiler house and drives life on this planet". Lawrence Jones Art Link Vol 25 no 4