

Deakin University Art Gallery invites you to the launch of
Lloyd Godman:
A PHOTO: synthetic pathway
This exhibition will be opened by
Dr Helen McDonald, Honorary Research Fellow Art History Program
School of Culture and Communication, University of Melbourne
At Deakin University Art Gallery
Wednesday 10 September
6.00 pm for 6.20 pm speeches
Function will conclude by 8.00 pm
Free floor talk by exhibition curator and artist:
Wednesday 10 September, 5.30 pm
RSVP essential as places are limited by Friday 5 September
Register online here
Lloyd Godman: A PHOTO: synthetic pathway traces the evolution of the
artist’s practice from traditional photographic techniques through to his
innovative, suspended rotating living air plant sculptures.
Through parallel practices as artist and organic gardener, and making
a connection between photosynthesis and the role of light
in photographic practice, Lloyd Godman presents living plants
as ‘super-sustainable’ sculpture.
Exhibition dates 11 September to 18 October 2014
Lloyd Godman, Nature reclaims the Helix, 2012 (detail)
Recycled bicycle wheels steel, Tillandsia plants – super sustainable
rotating Tillandsia air garden, ecologically active art
Dimensions: Variable – Height 80 cm, Diameter 50 cm
Image courtesy the artist.
Deakin University Art Gallery, Melbourne Burwood Campus (Building FA)
221 Burwood Highway, Burwood Vic 3125 Melways ref 61 B5
T 03 9244 5344 F 03 9244 5254 E artgallery@deakin.edu.au
Hours: Tuesday–Friday 10 am–4 pm, Saturday 1–5 pm, free entry.
Open Sunday 24 August, 10 am to 4 pm for Melbourne Burwood Campus Open Day.
Please visit deakin.edu.au/art-collection for more details.
For information about parking on campus,
please visit deakin.edu.au/parking.
Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B |


Rendered image of gallery layout for A PHOTO: synthetic pathway at Deakin University Art Gallery - 11 sep - 18 oct 2014 curated by Leanne Wills
Exhibition opens 10 Sept
Deakin University Art Gallery, Melbourne Burwood Campus Building FA 221 Burwood Highway Burwood Vic
Artist talk 5.30pm 10 Sept
Opening 6pm - Speeches 6.20pm 10 Sept
Exhibition to be opened by Dr Helen McDonald Honorary research Fellow Art History Program School of Culture and Communication, University of Melbourne
RSVP essential by Friday 5 Sept to 92445344 or artgallery@deakin.edu.au
Exhibition runs to 18 Oct
Gallery Hours - Tuesday - Friday 10am - 4pm & Sat 1-5pm
Open Sunday 24 Aug, 10am - 4pm for Melbourne Burwood Campus open day
For information about parking on campus please visit deakin.deu.au/parking
Lloyd Godman: A PHOTO: synthetic pathway traces the evolution of the artist's practice from traditional photographic techniques through to his innovative, suspended rotating living air plant sculptures. Through parallel practices as artist and organic gardener, and making a connection between photosynthesis and the role of light in photographic practice, Lloyd Godman presents living plants as "super-sustainable" sculpture.

West wall - image is mapped click on an image to enlarge - as part of th exhibitiopn there are 9 books and each one relates to work in the exhibition

North wall - image is mapped click on an image to enlarge

East wall - image is mapped click on an image to enlarge - the scatter on the left does not link to each image but to the archive of these triptychs

The living plant sculptures will adorn the exterior and space outside the gallery. |