Source - enLIGHTen - a survey show curated by Ross Farnell - © Lloyd Godman

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Source II - Wood, papier mache, interactive projected light, projected image sequence - Burrinja
Gallery. - Lloyd Godman - 2008 - (Balance is in the background)
from enLIGHTen a survey exhibition of Lloyd Godman's work Burirnga Gallery, curated by Ross Farnell.
Source II - interactive sculpture, Papier Mache, Light sculpture, Timed Lapse video projection - 2008 - Lloyd Godman
This work used the table and chairs from the work Source 2005, but the original tree roots (which had been attacked by insects in the intervening years) were replaced with roots constructed from papier mache. Two lights were projected onto the structure from different angles - one green, the other red. Light from the red projector also spilled onto the double ended root sculpture Balance. Then, as the audience stepped forward these lights turned off. A data projected continually projected the image sequence from Timed lapse , where the audience photographed themselves, onto the top of the table.