Carbon Obscura - enLIGHTen - a survey show curated by Ross Farnell - © Lloyd Godman

Carbon Obscura III - detail - insulation paper, black paint, fog - Burrinja
Gallery, Melbourne - Lloyd Godman 2008 |
This work was similar to the Carbon Obscura work installed at Montsalvat in 2007. Here, the entrance to Burrinja
Gallery was covered with construction insulation paper painted black on the paper side and a double swing door was installed. Again a series of pinholes denoted a series of trees. A fog generator was installations inside the space which the audience could turn on to visually activate the rays of light. A series of pinholes was created to draw a cube which included the rectangular lines of light that penetrated the space around the door. During the first night of the installation the structure was investigated by opossums who created there own pinholes in the insulation paper. While some of these marks were tears and rips which were too large and had to be repaired with a patched, where possible the smaller intricate holes were incorporated into the designs of the trees. |