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Black and White photographic paper is manufacture in various grades, and the grade distinguishes the amount of inherent contrast. Grade 1 is soft and grade 5 is hard or more contrasty.

Grades of Paper: In terms of these contrast grades, photographic papers like RC paper and fibre based paper comes in two types:

*graded, and

*multi-contrast, or multi-grade.

The term "grade" refers to the contrast of the paper, lower grades like 1 or 2, produce prints with a lower contrast while higher contrasts like 3 or 4 produce prints with a higher contrast. This allows the photographer to select a paper grade to suit the contrast of the negative, and or the way they intend the mood of the final print to look.

Corrective Printing: By selecting a suitable grade of paper a photographer can correct the contrast of the negative in the print. Generally, thin, under exposed or under developed negatives lack density and contrast and by selecting a higher grade of paper pints of acceptable quality may be produced. Also for denser negatives using a lower grade of paper can lower the contrast to produce an acceptable print.

Interpretative Printing: However, a photographer may want print the image in an interpretative manner where the image has a great contrast difference or a low contrast and select a suitable paper to achieve this. Higher grades of paper produce apparently sharper prints but are also more likely to show up any defects like dust, scratches and hair marks.

Graded paper: Graded paper comes in packets where all the sheets are of a specific grade. For instance Grade 3 paper would contain only sheets of this grade. With this type of paper, it might mean that a photographer has to have 3 or 4 grades of paper on hand to achieve the tonal quality of image they require. Despite this disadvantage, some photographers prefer graded paper arguing the paper produces a richer print, with greater depth in the denser areas. There is also some evidence to suggest that graded paper produces a greater colour change when toned in selenium, particularly in the higher grades.

Agfa Brovira -speed grade 2

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