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Making prints with Black Boarders: 

By filing out the negative carrier so as a boarder section of the negative outside the image is projected down onto the paper, a print can be created with a black boarder. Generally prints with this black boarder define the total frame of the negative and the device can help visually contain images where there are white areas at the edge of the image.

Image without Black boarders around print

Image with Black boarders around print


The size of the boarder depends on how much is cut out of the negative carrier, and some photographers cut enough so the print shows the frame numbers etc. imprinted on the edge of the film. Using a glass negative carrier larger than the format size can also allow the printing of black boarders. Be careful with the choice of easel and the framing as some with beveled edges will reflect the light of the bevel back down onto the paper and tend to fog the edge of the image. Four bladed easels with flat blades are beast to over come this problem.

For the Codes of Survival project I printed all the photographs full frame showing the boarder outside the image frame.  While defining the full frame of the negative it also visually contained the image inside the other photogram component and prevented any white areas on the edge of the print blending with the white boarder between the photograph and the photogram.To Image

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